The website is published by the “, Le Petit Bœuf Cultive la Terre” association


Legal Status: French Association ruled by the French “1901 Law”

Headquarters: Avenue Rhin et Danube – 09420 Rimont – France

Siret: 824 070 270 00015

Contacts: – Avenue Rhin et Danube – 09420 Rimont – France

About website

Editor: Michaël Thévenet

Hosting Company:

OVH, SAS inscrite au RCS de Roubaix – Tourcoing sous le numéro 424 761 419 00011

2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

08 203 203 63

French Law on Computer Technology and Freedom

Cookies’ Use

This website may use “cookies” to optimize its services.

What is a “cookie”?

A “cookie” is a small size file, usually made of letters and numbers, sent by our web server to the cookies file of web browser located in your device’s memory. That way, for instance, our website can recognize a visitor the moment a connection is established between her device and our web server. The main purpose of “cookies” is to personalize pages presented to the visitors; i.e. their visit of the website is tailored to their perceived needs.

What kind of “cookies” are used by this website?

Two kinds of “cookies” may be used.

“Session cookies”: These temporary cookies stay in your web browser’s cookies file until the end of the browser’s session. These “session cookies” are necessary to fulfill some of the website’s functions and applications.

“Persistent cookies”: We’ll probably use persistent cookies to better the user experience (i.e. by providing a personalized navigation). Theses persistent cookies are stored in the web browser’s cookies file for a longer period of time. The storage duration depends on the web browser privacy parameters. A persistent cookie send data to the corresponding web server each time the user connects to the targeted website. Persistent cookies are also called “tracking cookies”.